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Dear General Hammond,
Wish you were here and that I was not.
I knew it wasn't easy for you, but had I known what it was really like, I would have tried to be less of a pain in the ass. At least, I would have tried harder.
[unknown page and a half worth of letter]
I miss being [active? unknown rest of paragraph, other than" big" on the second line, " for knowledge" on the third, and " paper cuts" on the fourth/last line]
And so I regretfully submit my resignation. And to be clear, the regret is not so much about the resigning part, but the fact that I was deluded enough to think I had possessed even one iota of the ability needed to fill your sizable [and shiny -- this was in voiceover, but didn't appear in the typed text] shoes.
Never mind
Jack O'Neill
Brigadier General Jack O'Neill
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I just found out that Yahoo has been completely ignoring all subscribe-by-email requests, going back for months. My sincere apologies to anyone who tried to subscribe to the update list and got ignored I didn't know it was happening, because web-based subscriptions were working fine. If you still want to be notified about updates, please click the link above to join at the Yahoo group site. If you don't have or want a Yahoo ID (required for all web-based subscriptions), email me privately, and I'll bcc: you on any future announcements. Thanks.
Added to Teal'c:
Added to SGC Personnel:
Known Giant Mayan Ghosts:
- Quetzelcoatl
- (nb: the credits have this as Quetzlelcoatl, which is one & quotl" too many the name would be completely different spelled like that. So I'm taking that & quotl" out.)
- The alien who appeared to SG-1 and Nick Ballard when they let the skull's energy field shift them completely out of phase. (Crystal Skull)
- When he appeared, Jack and Sam ran backwards a few paces to safety Nick stayed where he was, already near the edge of the platform, and Daniel moved forward. (Crystal Skull)
- Daniel offered an exchange of knowledge and culture, saying that they were enemies of the Goa'uld and had come in search of friendship. (Crystal Skull)
- Quetzelcoatl accepted the proposition, and invited Nick to remain he remembered him from 1971. Nick agreed. (Crystal Skull)
- Electrified cages:
- To hold prisoners in -- just big enough to sit in without touching the edges. (New Ground)
- Energy rifles:
- Hand weapons/rifles that looked something like long curved sticks the stock and barrel design was very simple (a place to grip the end, with a long simple curve leading to the muzzle end), with a double, pointed, triangular muzzle. The top point was almost dart-like the lower was longer and more dangerous-looking. They shot energy bursts, not physical projectiles. They could also be used to deliver contact jolts of energy. (New Ground)
- They also lock and unlock the cages prisoners are kept in, and can electrify or un-electrify the cages. (New Ground)
- Ergonomic chairs :
- Common enough to bring to a remote quarantine site (where they'd set up to interrogate SG-1, near the stargate) they look like Aerons. (New Ground)
- Force fields:
- These protected the ships, and could also be projected from the airships to enclose people on the ground four of them formed a box that then pulled in. When the force field touched Jack, Sam, and Daniel, they were knocked unconscious. (New Ground)
- Healing device:
- Among other things, it can regenerate visual nerves, if it's used within the first 30 hours after an injury. (New Ground)
- It emits a beam that regenerates the nerve, and is applied in short bursts, with time between. Too short a break between treatments could do more harm than good. (New Ground)
- Portable blood analysis machines.(New Ground)
- Quarantine shield:
- A larger force field in a dome shape, protecting an area so that only shuttlecraft could get in. Rigar set one up around Nyan's archaeological dig, with enough space for several large tents and some shuttlecraft as well. (New Ground)
- Shuttlecraft (airships)
- Could fly or hover equally easily boxy affairs with no wings. (New Ground)
- Technology/weapons/gear left behind by SG-1 (New Ground):
- Naquadah reactor and the wires needed to hook it to a stargate
- MALP (the electrics are probably fried, since it was zatted) -- Staff weapon
- Three radios
- Six grenades
- At least two pistols, fully loaded
- Two M5s, with six clips (nb: I don't know guns, and I can't swear that it was an M5 at that point all I'm sure of is that it isn't a P-90. If someone knows differently, by all means, let me know and I'll change it.)
- Three compasses
- Three watches
- Three GDOs
- Three knives
- Three vests
- various field rations
- two notebooks, probably Daniel's no idea if they'd been written in yet
Known Togar's people:
- Togar:
- As a trap, he set up an illusion near the stargate of a paradisical world -- warm, sunny, and with a gorgeous sandy beach near a blue ocean. He wanted to lure travelers in so he could implant Urgo in them, to go out and explore their worlds and return the knowledge to him. (Urgo)
- He was surprised and not happy to find out that the SGC knew Urgo's name he said that was an & quoterror" , and told them to return the & quotsubjects" and Urgo would be removed. (Urgo)
- Had a fair amount of advanced technology, including wide-beam transporters directly in front of the stargate to take any travelers in transit, the travelers were stripped of all weaponry (and headgear and outwear SG-1 arrived in their usual caps/hats, jackets, and vests, with standard weaponry, and were transported to Togar's lab dressed only in boots, pants, and t-shirts). (Urgo)
- Something stripped out all memory of a person's time on Togar's world -- possibly the transporters back to the stargate? SG-1 had absolutely no memory of what had happened either time they went through the gate to his world, but on the second trip, were clearly aware and awake for their interactions with Togar. (Urgo)
- The door to his lab was on a whistle control -- he whistled three short sounds at it, and it rolled shut. (Urgo)
- He was extremely resistant to the idea that Urgo might be alive, and insisted on calling it (Urgo) an error. (Urgo)
- Without ever actually admitting that Urgo was alive, he let himself be talked into implanting Urgo in his own brain, to help him & quotlearn how the error occurred" . (Urgo)
- Urgo:
- Implanted in Jack, Daniel, Sam, and Teal'c's brains -- less than pinpoint size, but very powerful, and capable of working as a sort of network. (Urgo)
- He chose to begin interacting with them, which he wasn't supposed to do. (Urgo)
- The first thing he did was greatly enhance their sense of taste, to the point where they were enjoying foods they didn't even like. (Urgo)
- He was capable of creating an image of himself that SG-1 could see, but it was all in their minds no one else could see him. (Urgo)
- The image he chose to project was that of Togar. (Urgo)
- He could read their surface thoughts, but apparently nothing deeper (memories, etc.). (Urgo)
- He had a very strong power of suggestion, combined with the ability to increase their enjoyment of something to motivate them, but couldn't actually make them do something. They had to choose it. (Urgo)
- He was afraid of his creator, calling him & quotreally scary evil" , and was determined not to return to the planet. (Urgo)
- He had a certain self-preservation instinct, resisting the idea of being turned off when Sam started researching ways to do just that, he started distracting her to keep her off track. (Urgo)
- Sam put all of SG-1 in a shielded room and set off a strong EM pulse to nullify Urgo. He was pretty worried about it. (Urgo)
- It knocked Urgo offline briefly, but then he just laid low, not emitting any of the frequencies he'd given off before. (Urgo)
- When Janet invited Sam to go rowing with Cassie that weekend, Urgo couldn't resist any longer, and got the entire team (all in separate quarters, and Sam walking back to hers) singing & quotRow, Row, Row Your Boat" in rounds. (Urgo)
- He was unaware that his creator used an illusion of a beautiful world to trap travelers when he found out, he thought it was mean. (Urgo)
- He was convinced that Togar was scary, mean, evil, and boring when Daniel came up with the idea of saving Urgo's life by implanting him in Togar (which the rest of SG-1 then picked up on), he said he'd rather be dead, or implanted in a little lizardy creature. Eventually, though, he agreed. (Urgo)
(known Tiranians)
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This is purely a fan site, owned and maintained by one person. I have no connection to any of the owners, cast, or crew of the movie Stargate or the television series Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis, and am making no profit from this site. All canon information is taken directly from the episodes or movie; all speculation and editorial comments are my own unless otherwise noted. The information itself (e.g., naquadria is an unstable element) is free to be used anywhere. The way that information is presented here (my phrasing, my formatting, etc.) belongs to me. Do not republish or redistribute my work, in whole or in part, without my express permission. This site and its contents ©2000-2006. All rights reserved. |